Wartune Charisma Effect

To become stronger in Wartune, you will have to socket gems to improve your Wartune gears. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about different gems available to socket and use in Wartune.

Wartune official website by publisher R2games.com, containing Wartune Servers, Wartune News, Wartune Forum, and Wartune Guides etc. Sign up Now and play the most exciting Strategy Hybrid MMORPG at wartune.r2games.com Now! +1 Charisma = +1 Troop Count The others should be pretty self explainatory, +1 Matk = +1 Matk and so on. Now as for the level next to the refined stats in brackets, that is basically the quality. The higher level it is, the more stats that refine will give. This cannot be leveled up.

Wartune Astral 5. Wartune Charisma Gem 6. Charisma Potion from Shop and Crypt Shop The last way is to get enough Daro to upgrade your Wartune troops. How to Get more Wartune Daru Daro are very important in the game to make your Wartune troops stronger. Below we will list out all the major ways of obtaining Wartune Daro to upgrade your troops. Wartune Friends. Search this site. CHARISMA.Archer class is ranged attacks. Using both single and area of effect attacks, they are high critical.

You can obtain gems through Daily Check-in, the Forgotten Catacombs, the shop, and occasionally as quest rewards.

The socket system in Wartune unlocks when your character reaches level 15. You can socket gems or remove gems from the gears. It should be noted that it costs certain amount of gold to remove gems from the gears. You can also open more gem sockets inside your gear with the socketing tool. The gems are socketed into your gear to give you boosted stats. They can be combined to create stronger gems. They are well worth buying as they can be reused again and again. You can purchase the different gems inside the shop once you unlock it. However, it should be noted that once you socket a gem, the equipment will become bound.

Gem List

HP Gem: Raise your HP. This is one of the most important gems in Wartune. Make sure that each of your gears have a HP gem slotted.

Wartune charisma effect wikiWartune charisma effect wikiWartune Charisma Effect

MDEF and PDEF Gem: Socket these gems to improve your character’s physical and magic defenses.

Wartune charisma effect armor

Crit Gem – Raises the critical chance. By raising the critical chance, you will improve your overall damage output.

MATK – Magic attack gem. Your mage is all about the magic attacks.

Knight and Archer Class
PATK – Physical attack gem. You want more PATK on your archers to achieve the maximum damage. For knight, you want a mix of PATK and DEF until you can make additional slots.

Block gem. This gem affects block which is the same as dodge. This gem is less useful until you have really high overall block rating on your character.

Charisma gem – Raises the troop count. This is important especially in crypt setting at very high levels. With stronger troop health, they can last longer in boss fights and support you better.

Gem Synthesis

Gems are a sure way of boosting your character’s battle power. However, because your gem slots are limited in Wartune, you will need to synthesize the different gems into higher level. It costs 4 of the lower level Wartune Gem to be combined into a higher level one. It should be noted that the level 5 gem requires a special shop item the Gem Transposer to create.

Gem Socketing

Each equipment can have up to 3 gem slots that you can socket gems into. Most of the Blue and Purple gears come with 1 slot, and Orange gears come with 2 slot. You can open up additional gem sockets with the socketing tool.

Wartune Charisma Effect Meaning

Soul Engraving and Gem Effects

Soul Engraving in Wartune is a great way to boost the power of your socketed gems in Wartune. This system become available for you in the game when your character reaches level 35. You can use the Wartune Soul Crystal to level up Soul Engraving level. The Soul crystals can be earned via solo or MP dungeons and Battleground Treasure Chest and other methods.

1 Soul crystal = 1 Soul Engraving EXP. As you level up the Soul Engraving level, your socketed and equipped gems will have a stat boost. You can level up your Soul Engraving level up to 80. The effect of Soul Engraving is permanent. Thus it is essential for you to level up your Wartuen Soul Engraving as much as possible. Below is the level of Soul Engraving and how they can effect your gem stats:

Wartune charisma effect definition

Wartune Charisma Effect Wiki

The soul engraving is more powerful when coupled when you have higher level gems in Wartune. You can gain Soul Crystals from campaigns and sometimes in quests.

level 1-50,Gem effects +2% per level
level 51-70,Gem effects +3% per level
level 71-80,Gem effects +4% per level